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I’m Csanya, a trail runner and full time race organizer in Hungary.

I simply love running. I adore being alone in the forest, run on the known and unknown paths. Following the footprints of deers and rabbits in winter. Searching for the shady single tracks in summer. Getting lost in the fog in autumn. Breathing the scent of the awaking forest in spring.

Trail running clears my mind and recharges me. If I didn’t run, I would become a hysterical child whose favorite toy was taken away.

I have been part of the community since the birth Hungarian trail running.
I organized my first race, “Vértes Terep Maraton,” in 2007; we had only 43 participants back then. In 2019 there were more than 900 runners participating at the same event, on 4 distances. I have organized more than 60 races since 2007. My biggest race is Salomon Ultra-Trail® Hungary. With building up this event step by step on the foundations of my previous 100k trail event, “Terep 100” (‘Trail 100,’ which used to be the first well-known ultra trail in Hungary), I managed to establish the first truly international trail race of the country. With the 5th edition this year, already on 4 distances from 30k up to 115k, the race has become
an UTWT Discovery Race.

When I started to run? 1992.
When I started to organize races? 2007.
Where I race where I run? Mátra, Bükk, Corfu, Vértes, Madeira, Alps, Dolomites
Why I run? Because running is great. Running is cool. I have to run.